Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ignore Your Conscience And Reprogram For Success

Programming yourself for success is all about ignoring all the negative thoughts and way of thinking you had in the past and start again from fresh, rather like wiping your hard drive and reinstalling the Operating system.

Where before your conscience has always crept in and told you "you can't do this" or "you'll fail, you know you will" you have to rid your mind of these thoughts and replace a more positive natural way of thinking, by practicing this on a regular basis you will find that eventually you have successfully reprogrammed your brain.

Actually you are aiming to reprogram only the left part of your brain, or the left hemisphere as it called, because this is the part that sends you negative thoughts. The right hemisphere however is the side that lets you see the good in life and which send you positive thoughts.

So in effect you have to ignore the left and go with the right. Reprogramming can be done but it does take time, after all you will have probably had years of letting the left side win over the right and it having a free reign.

There are three main factors that go together and contribute to reprogramming your mind, they are effective and have been proven to work if used together. The first is relaxation, the second, visualization and the third affirmation.

Relaxation is essential if we want to listen in only to our right side, the fact is that if we are relaxed then the brain waves slow down and our brain goes into a state called "alpha". During this state the left hemisphere goes dormant and the right or subconscious is firmly in control, this is good, this is what you are aiming for.

This state is most often felt just seconds before we drift off to sleep, where we feel light, happy and comfortable, almost as if you are floating. However this state can be felt anytime you are deeply relaxed. It is this feeling and this state that we want to encourage and we can learn how to reach it at anytime, anywhere.

The most common way to achieve this state easily and quickly is to learn meditation or similar relaxation techniques.

Using the visualization technique is the second step towards reprogramming. When you are relaxed your creative side will be allowed to flow freely and you can make good use of this. Through visualizing a happy more successful person you can eventually instill this in your brain and the new confidence sticks with you throughout your day. Visualize in as much clear detail as you possibly can and although this will take some practicing you will eventually find that you are able to relax quickly and easily and your visualizations become almost real in quality.

The final part of your reprogramming relies on backing up all this with affirmations. Affirmations are positive thoughts and statements, which will help to give you confidence and make sure your new way of thinking sticks in your mind.



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