Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Analyzing Lack Of Educational Motivation In Students

Education is the key towards success for every country.It helps to

boost the economy and to generate democratic society in a country.The

main resource of any country is Human Resource. If we'll prepare

educated human in our society in advance,by providing proper education

facilities to our younger generation, then we could move towards the

path of success undoubtly.

If we look towards our education system,there are many unveiled reasons

behind the de-motivation and poor academic performance of

students.Despite a great deal of effort since from the day of

independence, academic achievement among students in Pakistan continues

to lag behind.No doubt that we are moving towards the successful

future, but our education system some how, is hampering the progress of

our country.

The results, which we see in matriculation, intermediate and graduation

are not up to mark.

The interest in students to achieve quality education is de-motivated

in the recent years.The only thing student require, is

Certificate/Degree with passing marks.

In the attempt to improve school results, the teacher educators and

education counselor are trying their level best to find the roots of

poor academic achievement of school students.Educational Psychologist

has also developed many tests, to judge and improve the skills of

students, but the real cause has not been founded till date, that what

makes the student frustrated to back out of education so easily?

Might be it's the fault of Ministry of Education to develop lack of

integrated curriculum and wrong dimensional policies or it might be the

fault of a teacher, whose teaching style is not appropriate to the age

level students they teach, or its the problem of Learning Disability in

a child.

Some point the finger at the outrageous homework loads students given

by the teachers. Students are overburdened with academic demands of

questionable value and, as a result, end up indifferent to studies,

exhausted, and worn out.In addition,the heavy loads of books are not

worthwhile, until and unless the students are ready to go through it.

Our Curriculum Ministry is trying to develop curriculum according to

their own judgement, without keeping in view the taste and level of a


The reason for the poor academic achievement could be any out of these.

But the question is, Why the students academic records are more

successful in European and American Countries?

The answer is that, they are keen to learn and explore things. No over

load of work is given to them nor books load and examination pressure

is exerted on them.The books are well integrated too.

The new writers, who want to write curriculum books according to the

requirement of students are never encouraged in our country.

Teachers, even sometimes avoid researching, and teaches whatever is

given in the textbook.

The main contributing factors that lead to low learning proficiency of

students according to my experience as a teacher are as follows

1. Incomprehension of the Studying Purpose

The main reason why so many students don't feel interested in what they

are doing at school, is the incomprehension of their studying routine.

A vast majority of private and government teachers are not even

bothered to explain to their students what the learning outcomes are,

why they need to achieve them and how they will be assessed.Mostly

Teachers take out their text books and start making a wrong impression

of rote learning on students, and then evaluate their students without

seeing the capabilities of a child.Students are not encouraged to write

their own answers. Despite of it, teacher wants their student to copy

the same answer in the examination, which they have taught or were made

to write.

Thus, the writing and analytical thinking skill gets hamper, for which

we can't blame a student.

Student just accomplish their tasks by command, which needs to be

bluntly carried out.Students prepare projects, submit reports etc just

to get extra marks, without knowing the purpose of their study.

2. Wrong Assessment Process

Assessment means to evaluate children capabilities, not to judge them.

Assessment in Pakistan is often wrongly intended by teachers as a

punishment for students, or traps to catch them out. Grades seem to

exist in order to show students' errors, mistakes and drawbacks in the

study area, rather than to give students reasonable chance of

demonstrating their achievements of specific learning goals. Same five

years questions, wrong curriculum development by the ministry of

education, changing of the course at the last moment of the end of the

year are going on in secondary and higher classes. Assessment should

not be based on counting the pages, which a student fills. Rather than

this, evaluating system should be changed.Invigilators should be well

educated to judge the learning tasks and own input, else the wrong

assessment process, which is going on since a long time would create a

fearful attitude in students towards assessment.

Students are learning not for acquiring knowledge but for getting a

"pass." Students, who works hard gets low marks, because the teacher

checks the paper according to their knowledge and often forgets student

effort of contributing towards answering question.

3. Lack of integrated Curriculum

Ministry of Education is making such a curriculum, which is not up to

mark and is not well integrated with full resources. Mistakes in the

books and wrong statements makes student furious.

Activities are always missing in our curriculum books. The quality and

the presentation of book makes jack a dull boy.

Our curriculum is made by professionals, but the question is, Why the

curriculum is not made yet, according to the needs and requirement of

the students? We are just trying to change our curriculum all the time

on the basis of the prevailing fear of any other examination

systems,coming ahead in the competition. If we are capable, why don't

we move ahead rather than taking wrong decisions at the end moment.

4. Teachers Fault

With classes consisting of more than 15-20 children, many students feel

deprived of the due attention on their teacher's part.Teachers are the

leader and a role model for every student. Every student want to be

unique and want their place in teachers heart. They are placed among

the great lot of students without their personal interests, and

problems with studying being taken into account. As a result, students

don't feel cared about, lose their identity, become indifferent to

studies and lose faith in the brighter future.

Teacher should treat their student equally and give proper attention to

every student of his/her class.

5. Wrong attitude of parents

Many parents are "performance oriented," which emphasises results such

as students' grades, rather than knowing whether their child have

mastered the material or not.They just want their child to be on the

top of the list and thats all.

Children gets frustrated, when parent keeps alot of expectations from

our child, which de-motivates them most of the time.

There are many parents,who tells their child in advance that they have

to join their fathers or forefathers business after passing school,

which also makes student less motivated to perform well in examination

and thus, poor performance is seen in the results, just because of the

wrong impression embossed by parents on their children.

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