Saturday, April 14, 2007

Finding Passion in Your Work - What Do You Love to Do Every Day?

Finding work that we are passionate about is the key to spending our life with happiness and joy instead of bitterness and regret. Some people seem to know what kind of career they would like to have when they are still small children. Others never seem to find a job that they enjoy doing and may even detest going to work each day. It is better to spend some time figuring out what types of activities you are drawn to and love doing than to just end up at a job that you will always dislike.

To find out what you are passionate about ask yourself some hard questions. If money were not an issue what would you like to do each day? Maybe you would love working in a large office, being responsible for company projects and traveling frequently. Maybe just the sound of that makes you feel ill. Make a list of some things you have done during your life that you truly enjoyed. Make another list of what you have done that you disliked.

What is your educational background? Did you go to college or take classes that were your choice or someone else's? Think about classes and programs you have taken and how you liked or disliked them. Write down what you did you can see it clearly. Obtain transcripts from your schools so you can refresh your memory. What areas do you excel in? Think about specific teachers and the impact they had upon your life.

· Are you working at present?

· If so, is there a position at your company that you would enjoy?

· What do you look forward to doing on your day off?

· If you went back to school what kinds of classes would you want to take?

· What have your friends and family told you that you would be good at doing?

After you have asked yourself these questions begin to keep a journal of your thoughts and ideas. Make a plan of action to do something every day that will bring you closer to what you would like to be doing. Assure yourself that you are worthy of any goal that you set for yourself.

Most people go through their entire lives without doing the things that bring them joy. They end up having regrets about how they spent the years of their life. If you start today to believe that you can achieve anything that you want you will begin to allow yourself to dream about what could be instead of accepting what is. You can be, do, or have anything you want. Take the first steps today to make that a reality.

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