Monday, April 30, 2007

Are Winners Born or Made?

Aaah... the age-old debate.
Are we born winners or do we become winners with hard work, discipline, dedication, determination... and all those other 'D' words?

We all want to be winners.
(Well, I've personally never met anyone who has the goal of being a loser).

Winners in our career, winners in love, winners in business, winners in health, winners in happiness, winners in sport, winners in life.
We don't all want to win at the same endeavour (thankfully)... and we don't all share the same definition of winning... but we do all want to win at whatever is important to us.

So of course winning is represented by different things for different people:

For one person, being able to complete a five kilometre (three mile) walk every day is 'winning', while for someone else, it's simply incidental activity which happens in the course of their typical day.

Not having a beer for a month would be a major victory for some people, but for someone like me (a non-drinker), it would be a non-issue; something which goes un-noticed.

Earning an annual salary of $100,000 would be an incredible achievement for person A, but a devastating loss of income for person B.

For me, talking to an auditorium filled with twenty thousand people would be a win, while for someone else it would be the most terrifying experience of their life.

'Winning' (on an individual level) depends on our standards, our expectations, our desires and our goals... but we're not gonna head too far down that philosophical road today (the 'what is winning' road)... or I'll get a headache and give you one at the same time.

My point is, we all need to determine what winning is for us.

So this post is not so much a 'lesson' from coach Craig, as it is an 'opinion piece' (my thoughts on the matter); a discussion...... possibly a debate (feel free to comment).

I regularly get asked these questions:

"Can anyone be a winner, or is it largely genetic?"

"Is it in-built?"

"Is it pre-determined?"

So what are the determinants of success?

What differentiates winners from the multitudes who might, by their own admission, seemingly spend much of their life back-stroking in a sea of mediocrity... not being where, what or who they wanna be?

I personally don't believe that winners are born, I believe they're made.
(I also believe that some people are given a definite head-start.. but that doesn't qualify them as winners).


I said it.

Post over.

See ya.

Alright I'll keep going.

Of course some people are born with certain advantages (be they physical, social, cultural, financial or other), but having great genetics or certain social or financial advantages is one thing... but being a winner, is another.

It's not what we're given that counts; it's what we do with it.

My observations have taught me that quite often the people who are given a 'running start' at life are the ones who spontaneously combust.

Waste what they've been given.

Being handed everything on a silver platter often means that the 'lucky ones' don't develop those highly desirable and valuable practical winning skills; those skills which allow us to win despite our situations, circumstances or challenges.

In fact, I wrote a post on this subject a while back called Is it a Gift to be Gifted . . . or is it a Handicap. It generated some spirited discussion. Take a peek if you haven't read it.

So for the moment, we're gonna go with the 'winners are made' line of thinking (until one of you convinces me otherwise) and explore how we can maximise our chances of becoming a winner in the game of life.

Clearly there are many variables on the winner's journey over which we have little or no control (innate ability, where we were born, genetics, what other people will do), so let's focus our energy and ability on the stuff we can control and let's keep it realistic, practical and simple.


1. Self control.

Winners create different standards for themselves and do things that most won't.

They expect more out of themselves than anyone else.

While the majority go the easy option, winners go the 'effective' option.

They consistently demonstrate a strength of character that most won't.

2. Adaptability.

Winners embrace challenges and change.

They find ways to cope in dynamic, volatile, ever-changing environments.

They always find a way.

While most people avoid discomfort, they embrace it... because they know what it leads to.

Winners make mistakes, learn from them, change accordingly and keep going.

Losers keep making the same mistakes; they don't learn.

3. Planning, preparation, organisation, research.

These guys don't accidentally win, they put in the ground-work.

They don't stumble blindly and ignorantly in the 'general direction' of where they wanna be; they move towards their goals like a bomber closing in on a target because they are highly prepared for their mission (sorry about the crappy war analogy but you get my point).

They know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it.

While others are sitting on their butts complaining and waiting for success to knock on their door, winners are doing the hard yards.

4. Exceptional attitude.

We all know there's an undeniable relationship between attitude and outcome.... well winners live it. They choose to have a great attitude; they always find the good.

While losers are 'cracking the sads' (an Australian expression... feel free to use it), winners are keeping their head in the game (what is it with me and analogies today).

5. Mental and emotional toughness.

These guys deal with all kinds of crap all the time.
And survive.

When most people would curl up into the foetal position and suck their thumb, these guys are just warming up.

They do things in spite of their fears

They are resilient.


6. Efficiency: Winners don't waste time or energy on things they can't change.

Losers do.

On a daily basis.

7. Vision, clarity and certainty.

It's pretty hard to be a winner if you don't have clearly defined objectives.

Winners know exactly what they want and exactly what's required to get it.

Losers spend much of their time scratching their head and hoping someone will tell them what to do with their life.

8. Proactivity.

Winners get stuff done.

They don't procrastinate.

They are doers.


While losers are 'waiting for the right time'... and talking the talk, winners are getting on with business.

Okay, so I couldn't help myself.

I had to throw a (small) lesson in there.


So, am I right or am I wrong?

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Optimal Action - Using Tension And Release

Optimal action is about using tension and relaxation to control the force and flow of energy. Releasing your intention is tension in release. It is the process of holding your intention firmly and then releasing it to carry itself out in motion. It is a balance of how much tension and release to have at different moments.

Work from your internal state because it is the main thing that contributes to reaching your goals. The primary focus in on keeping an optimum internal state, and every external situation is a challenge to improve your internal abilities. By altering your internal state in a way that produces the right amount of tension and release, you improve your external performance. The only thing that ultimately matters is commitment to your internal experience.

Less haste, more speed. Less tension, more readiness. The key to optimal action is to have the right amount of tension needed and as little extraneous thought as possible. It is to be focused and in the focused yet relaxed, alpha-beta-theta state. True concentration happens when we stop thinking. Thinking creates physical tension and in the moment of concentration we cease to think for awhile and just act.

Optimal action requires optimal concentration, both mental and physical. Concentration is the focusing of energy into a particular area of application. You shouldn't over concentrate or under concentrate. Proper concentration requires the correct amount of tension and release necessary for effective action. Optimal action is action that gets you the results you want.

Relaxation doesn't mean no tension. It means no excessive tension. You must not fear. Fear and all sorts of unwanted emotions are unnecessary tension. You deal with your fear by releasing the tension and becoming free to act. Pay attention to your internal states while in action. When your internal states are right, your outer conditions will take care of themselves. You can control your external conditions by controlling your inner consciousness.

We normally use far more effort than necessary to accomplish a thing. It is natural for us to do things with the least amount of effort and not in a way that expends excess energy. We notice this when we observe infants learning to crawl, sit, stand and roll over. They find out exactly what level of strength they require for the movement.

You need to expend a certain amount of effort towards achieving the target of your desires. Not just any amount of effort though. Not too much, not too little, but just right. Optimal results require optimal action.

To have maximum control, you need to have the right amount of tension and release necessary. Not too much, not too little. Just right. If you find yourself faltering in your actions, you could try increasing the tension or reducing it. Concentrated and effective action requires the right amount of tension. Excessive and insufficient tension cause failure. Since everything is changing all the time, you should flow with the situation by adjusting your tension and release from moment to moment.

Optimal action also requires you to have a certain amount of stiffness and a certain amount of softness. As well as a certain amount of firmness and a certain amount of flexibility. It is all about finding the balancing point.

The way to release tension is to feel pleasure. Pleasure is the psychic result of releasing of tension. Building up and releasing tension is the key to enjoying what you are doing. Anytime you allow yourself to feel pleasure, you are in a state of relaxation and releasing tension. It is all about enjoying what we are doing in order to do it best.

Allow yourself to feel pleasure as it radiates through your skin. Allow yourself to be as comfortable as possible and to feel the pleasure and enjoyment of what you are doing. Optimal action is about focusing on enjoying the process instead of just getting the result you want to achieve. Feel the tension in the parts of your body being released and experiencing pleasure. Act with the feeling of pleasure and you will find yourself far more effective.

Our breathing is our main life function. We can control our entire energy system by our breathing. We should always focus on breathing in a manner that allows us to focus energy and release it properly. You can always tell how you are performing by how you're breathing in everything that you do. You can control your tension and release by controlling your breathing.

Bodily awareness is the key to bodily control. By becoming present to the feeling of your body, you can do whatever you are doing with a lot more control. The way to becoming more effective is to increase your sensitivity. It is about becoming more perceptive so as to flow with the forces around you.

Feelings give us energy, passion and vitality. Our feelings are not in our head but in our body and physiology. We experience our feelings in our physical body and energy body together. We become aware of our feelings when we become aware of the sensation of our body and our physiology. Since our body is made of energy as well, we know our energetic state of vibration when we know how our body is feeling. We can control our feelings by controlling our breathing and physiology.

All emotion is energy in motion. The more we let our emotions move through us by experiencing and expressing them, the less blockage we have that impedes our flow of actions. The more freely we experience and express our emotions, the more freedom we have in our actions. We have to release our emotions in order to be free. Flow with you feelings. The more you resist your feelings, the more inhibited your actions will be. Move with the emotion and you will find yourself moving more freely and powerfully.

Our feelings are what drives us. They give us energy to do what we do. We should use our feelings to empower our actions. We should use our feelings by using the tension it creates and releasing it. Act with feeling and speak with feeling. When we use our feelings, our actions become more powerful. When we use our feelings to act, we are acting the natural way. For optimal action, you need to be in the right mental and emotional states.

Tension and release are the workings of energy and feeling. Different kinds of feeling produce different kinds of tension that are meant to be released differently, and the way you release the tension also results further in different kinds of feeling. Sometimes the tension is meant to be released softly and warmly, other times you're supposed to squeeze. Using tension and release for optimal action and expression is all about determining the energy and feeling you exude.

Tension and release are also the workings of power. Building up and releasing tension is building up and releasing power. The greater the tension and release, the greater the force of power generated. Powerful and effective action requires a certain amount of tension but too much, and to release it in a proper way.

Always remember to focus on what you are feeling, you physical state and your breathing in whatever you are doing and not just on what is happening on the outside. Awareness of your internal state is what you should have in everything you do. Internal state is everything, and external result is always dependant on internal state.

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Friday, April 27, 2007

The Power Of A Positive Attitude In Your Home Business!

One thing that many Home Business entrepreneurs find most challenging is keeping a positive attitude. Understandably, it is hard to keep a positive outlook on your business when things are not going as well as planned. But giving up early or saying negative things only develops a defeatist attitude!

You'll find yourself having days where you hardly made any sales, had a bad run-in with a customer or even had problems with your hosting account or merchant account. But this is normal and every online entrepreneur faces these problems every once in a while. Those who succeed just face them head-on and then move on.

Just keep focused on your long-term goals and what you want to achieve. Perhaps you want to quit your job, or perhaps you are eyeing that new car. Whatever it is, focus on the benefits of achieving your goal and you will have no problems keeping a positive attitude towards your Internet business. In fact, you will forward to each day ready to work on your business.

Don't ever give up. If you don't ever give up, how can you fail, right? Keep knocking on that door until it breaks open, and you can achieve anything you want in your Internet business. Your dreams are too small to give up on petty problems.

Remember, it is always easier to say 'I give up'. But will you look back in 20 to 30 years and say you should have done more to achieve your dreams?

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Baroque Exercise

To be precise, exacting and clear, let us together explore the symphony of the healthy human body. As music could not exist without the ears to hear, the body will begin to retreat to non-existence without the proper playing of the notes of wellness. Can you name a necessary counterpoint to the movement of the physical body that when exercised creates optimal growth in response to the resistance? That's right…exercise!

At the onset of such a journey of exploration, one must proactively and joyfully chart a course and prepare the tools and resources to insure one will achieve the desired destination. Since we will undertake this adventure together I will prepare our list.

We will bring: A Map. We must have a picture of where we want to be. For our physical benefit and the reason for this journey we should have a clear idea of the body we would like to inhabit. For this map let us cut out pictures from magazines, take photos with our minds of the ideal figure that we wish to embody. This map is necessary for two reasons: one, we will know we have arrived if we have a clear picture of the goal, and having a map reminds us of the journey we are on.

Next we need some tools. You have many at your disposal. So many in fact that you really do not need to bring them all…you are well equipped, loved and supported. The tools you will need are light and always you are happy when you are using them. Happiness is the light, the sustenance, the path, and the clarity of vision along the journey. Happiness is the skip in the step on the elliptical machine of life!

We are ready to begin. We have all we need to realize successful co-creative relationships grounded in health and wellness. To recap: We have a map and goals clear in our mind and happiness to guide, support and remind us that we are on an important journey. This is no less than the most valuable task you will ever undertake. This is the journey of your becoming and nothing can prevent your free will from making this dream a reality.

You are loved and supported on your path to clarity, joy and abundance. Let your inner guidance radiate. Worry not about your partners along the way. Always you will meet those who will support you in this co-creative journey. You are here to teach less with your words and more with your clarity, happiness and the detailed map of your future accomplishments.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Life Is All Just But A Game?

We have always been told not to treat life as a game and that we have to be serious about it. Yes, I totally agree on that but agreeing that we should be serious in our game.

There is nothing wrong with treating life as a game as long as you play it seriously. In fact if you were to give it some serious thoughts, life can indeed be just like a game.

Perhaps, let us define what makes a game a game.

I should believe that you have personally played before, a variety of different games? Some would have been fun and amusing while some boring. But be they however entertaining or not, all the games you have played eventually lead to an ending didn't they? It was an either win or loses, or maybe even a draw for some.

That's life! Just as like a game, all our actions in life will lead to a certain outcome too. I should believe that you have heard of the saying, you can either be a winner or a loser in life? And I am sure you would want to be a winner in life?

Now, what matters is how you are going to play this game of yours, your very own game of life. And for your information, your game has already begun.

What is the key to winning a game?

The key to winning a game is always to understand the objective of the game well. It is only when you are clear about the objective will you know how to go about playing the game?

And what should the objective of your game be? It is for you to decide. Remember. This is yours very own game, your very own life. Before this game can proceed, you have to first get your objective right, knowing clearly what you want for yourself in life. There is not point rushing into the game. Without a clear objective, you will probably end up wasting your precious time losing the very whole game.

Lay down your objectives first and then you are ready to start your game.

Next, would be to work out some wise strategies.

First: Get to understand the strength of you, yourself (the key player) Now, everyone is bound to be strong and weak in certain areas. Ask yourself what are you good in and what are you weak in? Attack the game in those areas you are strong in and avoid those where you are weak at.

Second: Build up a strong ally or team. In this game, you are bound to meet many other different players. And remember, some are there to help you while some are there to harm and to put you down. Choose wisely the partners who can help you, especially in the areas you are weak in. Your unique strengths plus theirs will make up the whole and together this will be a strong team. To form a soccer team, you will need at least eleven players each with their specialty, isn't it? Understand this. You can never rule this world alone.

Third: Plan your attack. Once you get the foundation right, clearly knowing the strength and weakness of yourself and the players around you, plan your moves accordingly. Decide on a plan that best suits you and your fellow team players; a plan that is within the capability of everyone. No point having the best of plans when there is no one to execute it.

Finally: Take actions! Paper talk no matter how excellent the plan is won't get you anywhere without real physical actions.

Many have great ideas, some of which are indeed excellent but lack the drive and the courage to execute them; to put them into real actions. And why is this so? Because they are still unclear of their objectives in life. They didn't clearly understand themselves, failing to find out what they want in life.

Remember. In this game of life, there is never a predetermined ending. What will be the outcome of the game? Nobody knows. And in this game of life, there is never a fixed rule to how you are going to play it. But understand this. For all games that exist in this world, there is one ultimate rule: If you are not going to play, you can never win. That's life! If you never give yourself the chance to try, how will you ever know what will just come next?

Without some real physical actions, you won't get anywhere in this game. In life, if you are not going to take any actions to work towards your objective, nothing will ever happen.

But as the word game imply, it mean winning is certainly achievable. Understand the game well, play it smartly and the chances of winning will be there. And remember. This game of life will only end when you decided to give up. Though you may fail at times during this game but this game of life is not going to end on you unless you give up on yourself.

Remember. The law of Nature states that for all that exist in this world there is always the equal and opposite side to them. When there can be failure, there can also be victory too. Don't give up without even trying.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Life of Truth - Keeping Love Sacred

"Love is the ultimate guru. Where love does not exist, life cannot exist"

Tired, frustrated, overweight, addicted, overworked, stressed with anxiety, driven by obsession, out of balance? If yes, this article may provide you with an amazing insight.

Human spirit is another word for energy. There is no ghost or spirit controlling our vitality. What controls our vitality and energy is our love for life. When our mind, our heart or our spirit withdraws from something, so our energy withdraws. We begin to feel tired, exhausted, angry or simply disappointed.

Tired is physical but its real origins are in the human heart.

The soul thinks in pictures and when the pictures become fuzzy, so the soul goes on holiday. Soulless living means the dream is lost, the love is gone, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Love is food for the heart, energy for the spirit. Really, when you find an exhausted, tired person, you find a person who has lost love. They might even be in a relationship, but the love has gone out of it. They might be in a job, but the love has gone out of it. Because we are so afraid of change, sometimes we stay in relationships and jobs when the love goes out of it. We do it because our culture, society values staying higher than going. Then, if the love goes out of it, we have to find substitutes.

Love cannot be forced. If love goes out of a relationship, it becomes a soulless union. Anything done, where the human spirit is lost, is done without soul. Then it is purely mechanical. There are allot of people who can deal with this mechanical life on the surface, but below the surface they have found a coping mechanism, a substitute for love, a way of supporting their spirit while it dies.

The four substitutes are:





Food as a substitute. This obsession reveals itself in obesity, preoccupation with flavour and cooking, eating disorders, and substance abuse including alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and sugar. Food is not limited to what we consume by mouth. Infatuation and upper emotions are food as well.

Sex as a substitute. This obsession reveals itself in so many ways. Flirting, seeking approval, appetite for physical sex, masturbation, fantasy, affairs to name a few. Sexual drive rises as a substitute for love, not always as a mirror of it. This can include the pleasure lust for spiritual enlightenment.

Greed as a substitute. When love goes out, and therefore human spirit – energy goes out of someone's life, greed comes in as a substitute. This greed is an appetite seen in blind ambition, obsessive saving, status and power in the form of cars, success, and righteous aggression. Holding onto children, living vicariously.

Righteousness as a substitute for love. The human ego thrives on blame. It wants to be right. The human ego is what grows to replace the human spirit when love is missing in a persons life. The human ego defends the individual from what they fear, creating a feeling of identity and self importance, energy.

To change a circumstance in our life, it is wise to deal with cause, rather than effect. The cause of the need for substitutes is that LOVE is not held SACRED. When love is gone, Sacred is gone, spirit dies and we are left with no option but to fill our empty space with a substitute.

Substitutes are responsible for: affairs, arthritis, arm ache, gangrene, heart attack, gum disease, ulcers, obesity, chronic fatigue, depression, suicide, car accidents, premature ejaculation, impotence, cancer, tinea, acne, bad moods, domestic violence, low productivity and more….

Do what you love, love what you do.

The loss of the human spirit is an epidemic that's spreading fast. Have you caught it. Are you going through the motions of a relationship that's dead, a job that's about money, an exercise program that's about how you look? Are you hooked on substitutes, righteousness about the world, greed about wanting, sex about acceptance, food about consumption? If so, it can all change if you prioritise love. Where love doesn't exist – substitutes do.

Be you

Cultural norms make us stay where we don't need to be. They make us leave where we don't need to leave. Cultural conditioning make us think our parents are important after the age of 15. Cultural norms suggest the length of our relationships are more important than the quality and integrity of them. Where love stops, hearts stop.

The soul thinks in pictures. Can you see? With your inner eye? Are your dreams alive?

Remember, tiredness, ageing, stress and frustration are just signs that love is gone and substitutes have crept in.

Live with Spirit

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I have just returned from a visit to my family in South Africa. I have the most loving, caring and committed family in the world. On the way home in the plane. I was thinking about my visit with them and I realized that every one of them was constantly pushing books into my hands to read. We are a family of are Readers.

Wendy showed me her latest book, "Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos." by Robert D. Kaplan. It was filled with her notes and comments. My Dad read me excerpts from his war books, Gwyneth urged me to read her five recommended books in the fourteen days I was there and my Mom had me read and finish her friend, Gabriel Weiss's amazing book about how he survived the Nazi death camps in Hungary. And of course I took a whole lot of books and books on tape for them, too. Rika and I love visiting the library and any good bookshop.

Entrepreneurs should realize one important thing about reading good books by smart people: When you read the words of a good author, you are thinking his thoughts! What a wonderful privilege to be able to think the thoughts of Churchill, Donald Trump, Ayn Rand, Sun Tzu, Patton, Aristotle, Leonard Peikoff, and Napoleon Hill! Surely, we if think their thoughts, our choices will achieve the same results that they did. There's nothing sadder than someone who has stopped reading good books. Especially an entrepreneur, who needs to constantly develop and learn in order to maintain the lead in his or her chosen field.

When I met multi-millionaire Maxim Krok, he suggested I read "Horse Sense" by All Reiss. I bought it immediately and read it three times. I was fortunate to do some work for him and it was a privilege to learn from him. When you visit someone's home or office, see what books line the shelves. Jim Rohn said the more successful people are, they more they read. And I'm not talking about the sports pages or the TV Times. When I want to know more about people, I ask what they're currently reading. What are YOU reading? When I left South Africa, my Family gave me… another book: Building Buzz by Marisa D'Vari. On the plane, I look at what my fellow flyer is reading before deciding whether or not to talk with them. I had a fascinating three hour conversation with a 23 year old English teacher who was reading "We Need to Talk About Kevin" by Lionel Shriver.

Are you what you read? If we are our thoughts and if our thoughts are things, if our mind is a magnet, if our thoughts determine our choices, then we should eagerly seize the opportunity to read more than ever before. And if your excuse is that you don't have the time, how about audio books on MP3? Atlas Shrugged is now available, all 53 hours of it, on MP3!

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Monday, April 16, 2007

The Secret of True Happiness

People sometimes wonder if it is possible to find true happiness. While the definition of happiness will vary greatly from one person to another, it can be summed up to mean the feeling of well being that someone has when they feel sure that everything in their life is going to be alright. How you reach this feeling is up to you but there are different areas that you can work on to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

First, love and respect yourself. This may sound unbelievable but many people do not feel that they are deserving of happiness, prosperity, or love. Know that you are a unique and special individual and you are worthy of all that life has to offer. When you wake up each morning express your gratitude to God and the Universe for making you the person that you are. Loving yourself and believing that you are special will help move you towards true happiness. Having gratitude can make this become an hourly ritual that will bring you joy and happiness throughout each day.

Second, surround yourself with people you love. It is said that if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. If you are around people who are unhappy or negative, imagine them to be as unique as special as yourself. Refuse to see anything but the best in them in each situation. If they say or do something unkind try to see deeper into why they may be behaving this way. Treat them as you would a small child and encourage them to do their best in the situation they are dealing with. People will sometimes be so wrapped up in what might happen at a later time that they are unable to see what is happening right now in the present. Bring calmness to the people around you and watch how they begin to respond in a more positive way.

Finally, do work that you love. If you are at a job that is making you unhappy or even ill, look for a way to move out of it as soon as possible. Sometimes a job we thought would work out for us is nothing like we imagined. Everyone needs to earn a living but we have choices about what we do and how we spend our time. Figure out what you love to do and work toward a job or career in that area. It is said that if you do what you love the money will soon follow. Some of the most successful people in the world did just that. They spent time doing the things that brought them true happiness and soon they were doing a job in that area that brings them happiness and money at the same time.

Time is the great equalizer for us all. We all have the same twenty-four hours each day. Refuse to spend another minute in situations or with people you do not love. And, most of all, love yourself. Then you will be on your way to true happiness.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Finding Passion in Your Work - What Do You Love to Do Every Day?

Finding work that we are passionate about is the key to spending our life with happiness and joy instead of bitterness and regret. Some people seem to know what kind of career they would like to have when they are still small children. Others never seem to find a job that they enjoy doing and may even detest going to work each day. It is better to spend some time figuring out what types of activities you are drawn to and love doing than to just end up at a job that you will always dislike.

To find out what you are passionate about ask yourself some hard questions. If money were not an issue what would you like to do each day? Maybe you would love working in a large office, being responsible for company projects and traveling frequently. Maybe just the sound of that makes you feel ill. Make a list of some things you have done during your life that you truly enjoyed. Make another list of what you have done that you disliked.

What is your educational background? Did you go to college or take classes that were your choice or someone else's? Think about classes and programs you have taken and how you liked or disliked them. Write down what you did you can see it clearly. Obtain transcripts from your schools so you can refresh your memory. What areas do you excel in? Think about specific teachers and the impact they had upon your life.

· Are you working at present?

· If so, is there a position at your company that you would enjoy?

· What do you look forward to doing on your day off?

· If you went back to school what kinds of classes would you want to take?

· What have your friends and family told you that you would be good at doing?

After you have asked yourself these questions begin to keep a journal of your thoughts and ideas. Make a plan of action to do something every day that will bring you closer to what you would like to be doing. Assure yourself that you are worthy of any goal that you set for yourself.

Most people go through their entire lives without doing the things that bring them joy. They end up having regrets about how they spent the years of their life. If you start today to believe that you can achieve anything that you want you will begin to allow yourself to dream about what could be instead of accepting what is. You can be, do, or have anything you want. Take the first steps today to make that a reality.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Tinnitus Forces You to Learn

Do you know the main reason why most people don't get the results they desire? It's because they don't follow through on anything long enough to get the desired effect. They give up before they reach their goal because it's either too hard, takes too long or it's too much trouble.

How can anyone ever hope to get what they want in life if they keep giving up and making excuses why they couldn't follow through? For example; did you know that on a very regular basis I have people who, after downloading my "Practical Guide to Tinnitus Free Living" package, they email me, often within a week, and say that it doesn't work for them?

Well, I can honestly say that the reason it didn't work for them is that these people have obviously decided on some sort of time frame that it's supposed to work. Life doesn't work like that. Any worthwhile result is worth a consistent amount of positive doing until the result is achieved. Giving up before you achieve it just means that you've learned to accept a life that is created by default.

How can anyone say that something doesn't work if they only give it a couple of days? What I offer in my teachings is help for tinnitus sufferers but it's also an entirely new way of living. To re-learn how to live after so many years of suffering is not an easy thing to do but, it is possible. Yet, because tinnitus sufferers are so conditioned to expect the worst they usually get it. Their fear, worry and doubt about everything keeps them where they are.

I'm speaking from experience when I say these things. I think I hold the world's record for fear and worry. I used to worry about everything then, one day, I got tinnitus and my world changed forever. At first I blamed the world for giving me this disease but after almost 3 years of struggle I realized that I only have myself to blame.

The simple truth is, somehow I consciously or unconsciously invited, attracted and allowed tinnitus into my life. How? Through the law of attraction. By focusing entirely on fear and worry I managed to manifest the very thing I was trying to avoid.

Everything in my life at the time I contracted tinnitus was going wrong. It only stands to reason that something as devastating as tinnitus would eventually show up. However, I now regularly thank the universe for giving me tinnitus instead of cancer or some other more serious disease. Tinnitus allowed me to see life in a whole new way without the threat of losing it.

Did it take work on my part to change my life situation? Yes, of course. It took a lot of work. And, my intention with my teachings is to shorten your learning curve on how to get what you want in your life instead of what you don't want. Yet, it still amazes me that even after compiling to the best of my ability the information that people need, they still manage to dismiss it after only a few days.

What exactly am I trying to say? That anything worthwhile in life is worth a certain amount of effort and a detachment from the amount of time you think it will take to get the result you want. Think about it this way; if everything you ever wanted was handed to you on a silver platter without any effort, just exactly what would be the point to life? What would you learn?

Tinnitus is a learning experience. It will teach you many things about yourself and about life if you're just open to learning. Learning is the key to living. Granted, you may not want to learn the lessons that tinnitus can teach you but rest assured, these lessons are the key to manifesting a life of true happiness. These lessons will force you to focus on living instead of suffering.

As I've said many times before, there is no mysterious force in the universe that causes random suffering. You must choose whether to wallow in grief and despair or step up to the plate, learn something then, empower your life on a level that's deeper than anything you've encountered in the past. Getting in touch with your true purpose is the only way to true happiness. Tinnitus can actually force you into learning what that purpose is. Accept it, and run with it.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

You Can Overcome The Fear Of Failure - Discover How To Silence Fears Forever

Is fear robbing you? Change your focus.

Fear is a by product of your thoughts. To overcome fear you need to change the way you look at things and change the way you think about them. Fear is rarely a reflection of your current reality, it's usually a result of anticipating negative future events.

People respond to fear in different ways, they

  • avoid things and find ways of getting around them

  • give in to the fear and do nothing at all

  • let the fear be a catalyst and provoke them into action
The thing you fear the most is often the one thing that's standing in the way of what you really want. Don't let fear rule your life. Recognise it for what it is and let your fear act as a motivator to get you to where you want to be. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, 'feel the fear and do it anyway'; it's possible to feel fear yet move past it and go for what you want regardless.

In the past I've let fear hold me back from doing many things that I really wanted to do. I eventually decided that it was time to do something about it. I didn't want to get to the end of my life and be full of regret for all the things I hadn't done. I decided it was time to face my fears and push past them.

When I stopped to think, I realised that the things I feared rarely actually happened. Then, I started to ask myself, "What's the worse thing that could happen if I did ...?" "Would that really be so bad?"

I began to realise that I'd been letting ridiculous things stop me from stepping out of my comfort zone. I had a choice. I could carry on being afraid and let those fears stop me from doing things, or I could face the fears and go ahead and do things in spite of feeling afraid.

I decided that I wasn't going to let fear of failure stop me any longer.

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor RooseveltI encourage you to press on and do what needs to be done, if necessary, do it afraid. There is no magic solution. The key is to recognise the fear for what it really is and refuse to let it hold you back from your dreams. The antidote to fear is to take action.

  • develop a clear strategy for overcoming your fear

  • begin taking action

  • do something every day towards overcoming your fear
Your plan will never be perfect. Make adjustments as you discover what is working and what isn't. When you start taking action the fear will begin to lose its power. Focus on your plan and take some action every day. It's unlikely that the fears will ever completely go away; fears have a habit of creeping up on you when you're not expecting them. Just tell them that you're not going to listen to them, take a deep breath and dare to live life the way you want to live it.

When you step out of your comfort zone and start to do things that you've been afraid of doing you soon begin to discover that the fear was bigger than the thing itself and there really wasn't anything to be afraid of. Things are rarely as bad as you think.

Don't let fear rob you of your dreams. Do something towards overcoming your fears every day. Keep pushing through and silence your fears forever.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Freedom is a Gift

This week is the Jewish holiday of Passover. It's a festival that's been celebrated for thousands of years and every year we read the same story of how Moses took the Israelites from oppression into freedom. It's a powerful story of how one man can change the lives of many and continue to influence people for hundreds of generations.

Whether we believe the story is true or not is irrelevant. The powerful metaphor contained within it has been a beacon for many oppressed peoples throughout the world. Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and many, many others, took the story of the Exodus and made it their own.

Many of you already know the story of Moses and how he parted the waters to lead his people across the Red Sea. Now I don't know about you, but I've been to the Red Sea, and it's pretty big. It was a long walk across with the chariots of the Pharaoh bearing down on them. But the idea that we can overcome the limitations of what other people place upon us is a powerful idea.

Enslavement was and is the darkest part of humanity. The idea that we can control the destiny of others with our will, with our beliefs and with our iron fist, is anathema to how we want to be as humans. To deny the lives of others to further our own power or control is a bitter pill no one should be forced to swallow.

But it's not only the physical act of holding someone in bondage or keeping them oppressed that stands out for me in the Passover story. It is the way we hold this metaphor for how we live our own lives.

We are all in bondage to something.

In my own life, I grew up in a family where chaos ruled. My father was a serious alcoholic who physically abused both his wife and his children for many years. Now, I could have gone one of two ways. I could have been kicked into the gutter of life and reverted to alcohol myself, or I could take the higher road and find my salvation in other things. Well, it was a bit of both in reality.

I loved drugs and alcohol from an early age. I was thirteen when I started drinking and I was fifteen when I got hooked on amphetamines. My self-esteem was lower than a gnat, but that didn't seem to stop me. As you can see, I'm here now talking about it. But the long road out of bondage to this place I stand in today, being a Fearless Fifty, took me into some very dark and scary places. It is not a road I would recommend anyone going down, but for me there was no option. It was that or perish.

Along the way, people close to me were hurt but I couldn't help myself, and as I continued to struggle with drug and alcohol dependency it would eventually push me into Alcoholics Anonymous. I am not a Bill W story, although I was in AA for five years. During that time I was also undergoing some very intensive therapy and I confronted a lot of the demons, including being a victim of sexual abuse, which I had locked away.

But getting healthy was far more important to me than holding onto my dark secrets, and gradually I began to unearth the real me beneath the garbage. I began to realize that I was a victim of alcoholic thinking. I was an obsessive compulsive who needed to know exactly where everything was in order to feel safe. I wanted order in my life, but my behavior was anything but. When I drank too much I was convinced I was an alcoholic. But as you know, a real alcoholic cannot live without a drink, and I have always been able to do that. Controlling how much I drank in one sitting and then feeling bad that I'd overdone it again, was my biggest problem.

It took me 5 years to see that my enslavement was the way I think about myself when I drink. I was not my father, or my mother, or anyone else for that matter. It was key to the whole issue. It had to change. And it did. I changed my relationship to alcohol and to behavior that occasionally is not good for me. I like a glass of wine or two and on occasion three or four, but I know how to stop nowadays and what's better, I chalk it up to having had a really good time and I'll recover the next day. I'm a Fearless Fifty now because I can face the demons and give them a name. I choose not to allow the demons to enslave me anymore. I choose to live life on my own terms.

But there are always things in our lives that we are enslaved to.

We find it in our work, our relationship to money, to debt, a style of life we can't afford, a relationship that's not working, health that isn't perfect, too much sex, not enough sex, endlessly trying to please, too much eating, drinking, obsessing about things that are out of our control, habits that are destructive.

In the Passover story we speak of the ten plagues that afflicted the Egyptians as a punishment for their oppression of the Israelites. They include the Nile being turned into blood, frogs, massive hail stones, cow disease, lice and locusts, and the death of the first born child.

What are some of the plagues that afflict us today? I can think of a few. Aids, SARS, Mad Cow disease, wars ravaging Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, Sudan, Sierra Leone and many others. The distrust and conflict that separates Israel and Palestine. The economic oppression in Russia. All of these are conflicts of the soul and of the heart. All are a source of oppression.

We would like to think that we have moved on from the dark days of slavery, but that's not true. Think of the young women from Eastern Europe who are forced into slavery as sex slaves throughout the world. The children in Asia who are forced into child labor and sex. Even here in New York today there is are hundreds of sweat shops and underpaid workers. At the restaurant Saigon Grill on the Upper West Side the food is good, the prices reasonable. But they pay their workers $1.61 an hour to work there. Most are illegal immigrants with no way to retaliate. Now that's slave labor. It's a small thing, but I will not return to that restaurant.

We don't need to support oppression for our own satisfaction. By ignoring the plight of others, we ignore the basic needs of man. We ignore the message that we are intrinsically saying they don't count. We all count.

That means we are all responsible for the choices we make when interacting with others. It is said at Passover, 'if even one person is enslaved, we all are.'

Martin Luther King spent his entire life trying to free his people from the oppression of white supremacy and the suffocating laws and expectations that kept people down. The Dalai Lama works tirelessly for the Tibetan people and for mankind to be free of oppression, both physically and spiritually. Repression around the globe is endemic and we must all do our small part to stop the pain. We all have a responsibility to do something about it. Your pain is my pain because we live in the lives of others.

Passover in the Jewish tradition is our yearly reminder. We sit at our Seder table and recite the story of the Exodus. We talk about the present day and we talk about our enslavements. Too much TV, too much work, too much alcohol, too much eating, too much negative thinking. These are just some of the ways we are enslaved.

Think of something you'd like to break free from, and when you're done, write it down and make a promise to yourself that you will make an effort this year to change it. You see we all have them. I'm enslaved to my work right now. I can't let it go for a day, or if I do, I feel guilty that I should be doing something. I'm exhausted a lot of the time building my business, making the connections, getting exposure for what I'm doing. No one is cracking the whip except me. Do I need to break that habit? Probably. The world will keep turning no matter what I do.

Freedom is a choice many do not have. Whether it is self-imposed or imposed by others, freedom is a gift and a natural-born right. We all have the right to be free from bondage.

When Paul Robeson sang Let My People Go, you could feel the entire weight of that request. It was a cry for release. A cry for humanity.

Humanity. The words compassion, generosity, acceptance, tolerance and diversity come up for me when I consider that word. We are ALL entitled to our humanity. Our right to be whatever it is we want to be, however we want to be, as long as we generate respect for the rights of others to have the same privilege. We should all have the freedom to live without someone else telling us how it should be.

The holiday of Passover is a Jewish holiday, but it's a world holiday. It's a time to consider if we truly are free, and if not, we have the opportunity to change it today. We end our Seder with a statement "Next Year in Jerusalem." It is a saying that encompasses the idea that we can all live in harmony. We can all find peace in this world.

I wish you Hag Sameach. A good year.

Be the best you can be for yourself and you will be the best you can be for others.
Let us live in peace and harmony NOW.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Self-Motivation - 5 Strategies for Surviving the "Pit" of Life

Does it seem as if life has presented you with situations where you have been knocked down and knocked around? Are you facing a barrage of obstacles, challenges, issues, and problems? Do you feel as if you've been knocked into a "pit"?

I define the "pit" as a state of being in which you feel helpless, hopeless and unable to succeed. Your energy is low, your actions are stagnant, and your faith is weak. Overall, you lack the ability to motivate yourself to take action.

I have found that once you fall in the "pit", it is sometimes hard to come out. You struggle and can't get a grip. You slip, you slide, you fall flat on your face. Worse yet, you feel as if you can't see, and there seems to be no one around to help.

What I have come to realize, however, is that self-motivation is one of the most crucial resources to surviving the challenges of life. Self-motivation is when you can see beyond your current situation in order to move yourself into action.

Even though we all have self-motivation as a tool to increase our chances of avoiding life's pitfalls, I have observed that there are those of us that find it extremely hard to remain motivated in living life daily. And worse yet, I've realized that there are some who completely rely upon other people to motivate them.

No matter what life has tricked you into believing about yourself, understand that you must motivate yourself! When you are knocked down by the challenges of life, know that you are your greatest resource to getting back up again!

Here are five (5) strategies that I developed which will help you to remain motivated to climb out your "pit":

"Put on your Rhinestone Combat Boots": Put your foot down, take a stand and declare, "Enough is enough!" Feel good about yourself as you wear the knowledge, experiences, wisdom, and faith that will help you to fight battles, climb over challenges, and kick butt".

"Focus on the Light": You must realize that your success depends on you believing in yourself and pushing beyond what you see. You must learn to focus on what lies ahead (i.e. job promotion, SBA loan, keys to your new home) and not dwell on what has passed (i.e. layoff, bankruptcy, divorce).

"Grasp Again": Learn that when you slip in grasping for something that you want, that break gives you a chance to take a breath, regain your strength, and renew your focus, allowing you to see the best way to grasp again. As my favorite singer, Aaliyah, once sang, "if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again, you can dust it off and try again, try again." Meaning, keep grasping until you get a firm hold and can overcome your obstacles.

"Have a Flashback Party": Get together with a group of your closest friends. Allow those who know you well to shed light on the areas where you are great. You will gain strength as the memories reveal your achievements, successes, and moments of fearlessness. The "flashback party" will add to your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem and give you the energy to fight the darkness.

"Sing a Tune": "Singing a tune" of positive words will uplift, encourage and motivate you to put forth your best effort to overcome the challenges of your life. Quotes, words of praise, affirmations, and scriptures are examples of positive "tunes" that you must play in your mind over and over again as you experience your darkest moments.

Success in life does require you to receive guidance, direction and assistance from others. Yet, the vital key to remaining out of and moving beyond the "pit" requires that you serve as the motivating force of your own life. When you "Put on your Rhinestone Combat Boots", "Focus on the Light", "Grasp Again", "Have a Flashback Party", and "Sing a Tune", your actions will develop you into a capable individual who is wise and strong enough to overcome the challenges life throws your way.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

No Matter Where You Are At In Your Life, You Can

I was reading through some statistics regarding depression and the percentage of people suffering from this has increased substantially. And I remembered what I often hear from people: 'I have failed in my life' or 'I have not achieved anything,' or 'I experienced such and such in my past and it will jeopardize my entire life,' or 'I have made a lot of mistakes,' or 'I have been feeling depressed or anxious for so many years and I can't change.'

Do you think if we have such thoughts we are going to feel good? Well, no. We actually make ourselves depressed.

Now, the truth is that no matter where you are at in your life right now, no matter what your past has been, no matter what your present circumstances are, no matter how you have been feeling for years, no matter the mistakes you have made, you can change your future. That is for sure.

The thing is that sometimes we don't know what can help us to change, so here are some ideas.

The first thing to do is to take total and full responsibility.

You are the only person responsible for your actions, for your behaviours, for your thoughts, for your emotions, for your health, wealth, happiness, inner peace, etc., for your life. You might have heard about the great movie 'The Secret' and how it shows how much power you really have. Your thoughts create. It is the Law of Attraction. Everything that has happened in your life, everything that is happening, you create. For some people it might be a little uncomfortable to take this on board, but it is the truth. Blaming or complaining is simply giving your power away. But this also means that you can change anything you want in your life by a simple shift in your awareness. Every bit is really down to you.

Now, let us consider things in order.

If you have experienced a difficult past, time line therapy is very helpful. Whatever you have experienced in the past, time line therapy does not go back into the past and analyze it; that would keep you there. Instead it gives you the power to feel free from your past and empowered to create your future. It enables you to relive it with more empowering resources and change the memory of it.

If you feel, for example, depressed or anxious, NLP and hypnosis are incredibly powerful tools to enable you to take control of your emotional state. All emotions generate from thoughts, beliefs, the meaning we give to events, self-talk, and you are the master of your own mind. But the thing is that nobody has given us a manual of how the brain works, so when we do not feel good we do not know what to do. If we buy a PC we are given a manual, and your brain is an extraordinary computer! Once you know how the conscious and subconscious mind works, you can take control of your emotional state, and so choose how to feel.

Now, another thing to say is that if we do the same things, we get the same results. So, sometimes we feel stuck in our life or our habits, but if we want to change we need to change what we do and think. So, if you are doing something that makes you feel bad or does not work, stop, right now, and do something different, and you will get different results.

Guilt is a very powerful and damaging emotion, and what I have often found with clients is that we have a strong tendency to beat ourselves up harshly. Now, everybody makes mistakes, and what we need to do is recognise them, take full responsibility, learn from them and grow. One aspect of this is taking full responsibility for our behaviour; a very different thing to feeling guilty about it. The way we treat ourselves has a very strong impact on our emotional state. And if I were to ask you: 'Would you treat another person as harshly as you treat yourself?' I am sure your answer would be no. So, please treat yourself with the same compassion as you would your best friend. Now, do you think God would want you to beat yourself up? No, no, no. Please be kind to yourself. God loves you unconditionally: forgive and love yourself. Strive for excellence, not perfection. And always remember you always do the best you can at all times with the resources you have got.

Now, one of the reasons why we do not achieve what we want in life is because we do not know what we want. Many people live a life by default, they react to what happens, but are they going to make themselves happy? Maybe, maybe not. How about if you could work more smartly? If you could know what makes you happy and create it in your life? So, establish a vision of the life that you really want, establish goals toward that vision, and actions to take. And if you know what you want and you focus on it, the Law of Attraction says it will manifest, without exception.

So, what are you going to do today to become the person you want to be and create the life you want to live?

© Copyright Piercarla Garusi 2007- All rights reserved.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

My Plate is Full Another Weasel Word Excuse and Is Not a Motivational Strategy

How many times have you heard the following: "My Plate is Full?" If you are like me, maybe you are becoming tired of this excuse that promotes failure to take action or personal responsibility. These phrases are the new Weasel Words of Life in the 21st century and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of can't do attitudes.

Years ago, at a national conference, I heard for the first time the phrase Weasel Words from David Herdlinger a close friend and colleague speaking about the obstacles to personal motivation and human potential. Weasel words are:

  • Would of

  • Could of

  • Should of

  • Maybe

  • Might

  • Think

  • Try

These words limit the human potential because individuals choose not to open the front door of life and stepping out to experience life's successes as well as failures. What happens instead is that these individuals go out the back door because they are fearful of what might happen. Weasel Words give individuals permission not to take risks and explore the innate human potential residing within them.

Lately in my business consulting and coaching practice, I hear this phrase more and more especially when people are asked to take responsibility. When I first heard these words, I literally envisioned a plate full of meat and vegetables. The picture was quite accurate because sometimes life is full of a lot of stuff. However, now the phrase has become an excuse not to take action and acts against possibility of success.

Given the brain is wired either to fight or flight, this new Weasel Word phrase is giving permission to fly away from new challenges and opportunities. Individuals who actively use this word have started a self-fulfilling prophecy where can't do attitudes become the primary thought and this belief is now demonstrated through their behaviors.

If you hear yourself saying or thinking that "My plate is full," then maybe it is time to start either discarding some of that stuff off your plate or taking action by actually "eating some of it."

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Analyzing Lack Of Educational Motivation In Students

Education is the key towards success for every country.It helps to

boost the economy and to generate democratic society in a country.The

main resource of any country is Human Resource. If we'll prepare

educated human in our society in advance,by providing proper education

facilities to our younger generation, then we could move towards the

path of success undoubtly.

If we look towards our education system,there are many unveiled reasons

behind the de-motivation and poor academic performance of

students.Despite a great deal of effort since from the day of

independence, academic achievement among students in Pakistan continues

to lag behind.No doubt that we are moving towards the successful

future, but our education system some how, is hampering the progress of

our country.

The results, which we see in matriculation, intermediate and graduation

are not up to mark.

The interest in students to achieve quality education is de-motivated

in the recent years.The only thing student require, is

Certificate/Degree with passing marks.

In the attempt to improve school results, the teacher educators and

education counselor are trying their level best to find the roots of

poor academic achievement of school students.Educational Psychologist

has also developed many tests, to judge and improve the skills of

students, but the real cause has not been founded till date, that what

makes the student frustrated to back out of education so easily?

Might be it's the fault of Ministry of Education to develop lack of

integrated curriculum and wrong dimensional policies or it might be the

fault of a teacher, whose teaching style is not appropriate to the age

level students they teach, or its the problem of Learning Disability in

a child.

Some point the finger at the outrageous homework loads students given

by the teachers. Students are overburdened with academic demands of

questionable value and, as a result, end up indifferent to studies,

exhausted, and worn out.In addition,the heavy loads of books are not

worthwhile, until and unless the students are ready to go through it.

Our Curriculum Ministry is trying to develop curriculum according to

their own judgement, without keeping in view the taste and level of a


The reason for the poor academic achievement could be any out of these.

But the question is, Why the students academic records are more

successful in European and American Countries?

The answer is that, they are keen to learn and explore things. No over

load of work is given to them nor books load and examination pressure

is exerted on them.The books are well integrated too.

The new writers, who want to write curriculum books according to the

requirement of students are never encouraged in our country.

Teachers, even sometimes avoid researching, and teaches whatever is

given in the textbook.

The main contributing factors that lead to low learning proficiency of

students according to my experience as a teacher are as follows

1. Incomprehension of the Studying Purpose

The main reason why so many students don't feel interested in what they

are doing at school, is the incomprehension of their studying routine.

A vast majority of private and government teachers are not even

bothered to explain to their students what the learning outcomes are,

why they need to achieve them and how they will be assessed.Mostly

Teachers take out their text books and start making a wrong impression

of rote learning on students, and then evaluate their students without

seeing the capabilities of a child.Students are not encouraged to write

their own answers. Despite of it, teacher wants their student to copy

the same answer in the examination, which they have taught or were made

to write.

Thus, the writing and analytical thinking skill gets hamper, for which

we can't blame a student.

Student just accomplish their tasks by command, which needs to be

bluntly carried out.Students prepare projects, submit reports etc just

to get extra marks, without knowing the purpose of their study.

2. Wrong Assessment Process

Assessment means to evaluate children capabilities, not to judge them.

Assessment in Pakistan is often wrongly intended by teachers as a

punishment for students, or traps to catch them out. Grades seem to

exist in order to show students' errors, mistakes and drawbacks in the

study area, rather than to give students reasonable chance of

demonstrating their achievements of specific learning goals. Same five

years questions, wrong curriculum development by the ministry of

education, changing of the course at the last moment of the end of the

year are going on in secondary and higher classes. Assessment should

not be based on counting the pages, which a student fills. Rather than

this, evaluating system should be changed.Invigilators should be well

educated to judge the learning tasks and own input, else the wrong

assessment process, which is going on since a long time would create a

fearful attitude in students towards assessment.

Students are learning not for acquiring knowledge but for getting a

"pass." Students, who works hard gets low marks, because the teacher

checks the paper according to their knowledge and often forgets student

effort of contributing towards answering question.

3. Lack of integrated Curriculum

Ministry of Education is making such a curriculum, which is not up to

mark and is not well integrated with full resources. Mistakes in the

books and wrong statements makes student furious.

Activities are always missing in our curriculum books. The quality and

the presentation of book makes jack a dull boy.

Our curriculum is made by professionals, but the question is, Why the

curriculum is not made yet, according to the needs and requirement of

the students? We are just trying to change our curriculum all the time

on the basis of the prevailing fear of any other examination

systems,coming ahead in the competition. If we are capable, why don't

we move ahead rather than taking wrong decisions at the end moment.

4. Teachers Fault

With classes consisting of more than 15-20 children, many students feel

deprived of the due attention on their teacher's part.Teachers are the

leader and a role model for every student. Every student want to be

unique and want their place in teachers heart. They are placed among

the great lot of students without their personal interests, and

problems with studying being taken into account. As a result, students

don't feel cared about, lose their identity, become indifferent to

studies and lose faith in the brighter future.

Teacher should treat their student equally and give proper attention to

every student of his/her class.

5. Wrong attitude of parents

Many parents are "performance oriented," which emphasises results such

as students' grades, rather than knowing whether their child have

mastered the material or not.They just want their child to be on the

top of the list and thats all.

Children gets frustrated, when parent keeps alot of expectations from

our child, which de-motivates them most of the time.

There are many parents,who tells their child in advance that they have

to join their fathers or forefathers business after passing school,

which also makes student less motivated to perform well in examination

and thus, poor performance is seen in the results, just because of the

wrong impression embossed by parents on their children.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

How's Your Passion These Days?

If there is a fire in your gut there are bound to be a few sparked flying out of your mouth. Passion is different than enthusiasm. Passion is the fuel that drives you toward the finish line. It is the reason why you do anything. Without passion you are destined to a life of being 'average'. To a life of mediocrity.

Passion is one of life's critical behaviors if you want to achieve sustained success in any career especially sales.

Who do you know that is on fire with passion? Are you? Have you had it in the past but are losing it due to some external circumstances? Do you feel in welling up inside you or do you feeling it slowly slipping away?

Many people can be heard saying that their sales career just doesn't seem to have the same spark that it did in the past. That selling is becoming - same stuff different day - or it is just too demanding or difficult to maintain consistent high sales volume. Passion is not in a career, job or life, it is in people or it isn't.

Passion can make up for a lack of education, skill, opportunity and it can help you overcome adversity, failure and problems with ease. Yes ease, because your attitude is - I can handle it, so bring on the challenges, problems and adversity. I will overcome. I will surmount. I will find a way around, under or over it. I will not be defeated. I will not be deterred. I will never quit, never no matter what is going on around me. I have drawn a line in the sand and have made the decision to overcome, no matter what.

Here are a few words to consider when you think about how passionate you are.













Self- belief



Why not rate yourself on the above words to see where you may need to re-discover or re-kindle your passion or why it has left you or is leaving.

Passion is your key to success. It assures that no matter what you know or don't know, do or don't do, believe or don't believe, feel or don't feel doesn't matter. With passion you will do "whatever it takes, learn whatever you need to learn and use what you have to the fullest. Passion gives no excuses. Passion is not what you have only when things are going well, It is a part of your cellular makeup. If you haven't got it, get it. If you have it, never let it go. If you have lost it, get it back.

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